Anya's Stories & Poems

Little Lass
When I lie in the grass,
I see a little lass
With long blonde hair
And a pretty smile
And I haven't seen for such a long time

She doesn't remember me
As she lies
On the grass
On that day
I ask her what my name is
She doesn't respond
Just looks at me
But then she remembers
And she says,
Field of grass with a random dude in it

From Flickr user Ed Yourdon; some rights reserved

Man of Ocean
I dive into the water
And see the deep blue
With little specks of color
Nearly everywhere
I feel most content when I'm down here
Nowhere else do I want to be
Not on the earth with that soil
But down here,
in the ocean,
with all the sand.

From Flickr user oceanarium01; some rights reserved

This poem was inspired by a poem Pleskit reads in the book "Don't Fry My Veeblax" by Bruce Coville

The Alien Kid
Nobody is like me
I'm just myself
I don't want to be different,
I don't want to be lonely
It's not my fault that I am who I am
But nobody is like me
The Alien Kid
'Cause The Alien Kid is just too different.

From Flickr user Ed Sweeney; some rights reserved

Silly Cody
My silly dog Cody
When he falls asleep
His head stays out of his bed
While his legs are tucked inside
He has a funny expression on his face
And he looks like a sleeping clown
With hair all over its face
My silly dog Cody
Looks silly when he falls asleep.

Shhh, he's sleeping!

Look at those little black lines on the pages,
Those colorful paintings
Listen to the sound of the words in my head,
And the story begins.
(book picture)

Shhh, he's sleeping!